Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 2: What is a Zombie?

Not to be redundant, but I think an entire blog dedicated to Zombies should include a definition. I mean, we live in a world where new words are created and definitions can change daily- we are the kings of "re-imagination"- so let's clarify.

Zombies are undead, which separates them from other "horror creatures" like werewolves or Mutants (alive), ghosts (dead), or even something like Frankenstein's Creature (re-animated); and while they are commonly depicted as flesh/brain craving monsters, they do NOT require any sustenance to maintain their animation, unlike other undead creatures (ie vampires).

That is where the "standard definition" for zombies stop and the re-imaginations begin (although for the sake of ease and genrification, mutants do occasionally get lumped in with the zombie lot). Later in the week, we will talk about the variety of ways that zombies can be created as well as how that affects the appearance and functionality of the zombie as a whole- because not all zombies are created equal. 

However, one thing is true of all zombies no matter how they are created. Zombies are terrifying. I'll go farther and say that zombies are THE SCARIEST of all our monsters because they have no set limitations. They are not subject to any specific time or day where they are a threat like vampires and werewolves. They are completely indiscriminate, unlike Jason or Freddy they don't care if you are an adult or child, male or female, a virgin or the biggest hoe-bag living. They will bite you just the same. Not to mention they are tireless- no matter how fast you run they will catch you because they do not stop. And forget about a fast zombie, inexhaustible AND faster than the average bear. And to top it all off, they do not kill you- no, zombies infect, convert- you become one of the mindless, thoughtless horde. No free will, no freedom of choice, no individuality, just an unfulfillable endless hunger. And the scariest part of all is that it really could happen.

Now that is true terror!,news-15772.html

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