Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 15: Zombie Movie that you know all the Words to…

So, you know that you have seen a movie one to many times when you can quote the whole thing line by line- when you have become that person that NO ONE wants to watch the movie with because you provide a running commentary throughout the whole thing. We all have that movie, maybe you have more than one.

For me, that movie is Land of the Dead (2005). It is one of my fall back movies, you know, the one I watch when there is nothing to watch?

For some, this movie might be considered a step back from the Dawn of the Dead remake produced the year before. It doesn't include the amazing acting talents of Ving Rhames or Mekhi Phifer , but it does include a more subtle casting, including John Leguizamo (who is awesome) as well as French star Asia Argento. What makes this movie is the progression of zombie evolution. As mentioned in previous posts, this movie includes the character "Big Daddy" who leads the zombies into battle and introduces the BRILLIANT idea of zombies and their ability to cross water!

Overall, its genius- if a little campy.

Is there a zombie movie that you know all the words to?

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