Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 28: Best Twist

Zombie stories follow a pretty standard path- there is a zombie, some chasing, some biting, and the creation of more zombies. No matter what twist you put on the story, it still amounts to a similar path. So why (with our notoriously short attention spans) can we watch zombie movie after movie, play games, and then read books all following that same theme?

It's the twist that does it. It is the twist that makes zombies fun. So what is the best zombie twist? The best deviation from the ab-normal theme that we love so well?

I offer you two choices: Fido and Ahhh! Zombies.

Fido is the story of a boy and his dog- only the dog is a zombie who has a strangely affectionate relationship with mom. It's like lassie if lassie were a flesh eating monster instead of an overly intelligent collie. The movie is devoted to the personification of the zombie as a creature with feelings (an idea that was displayed at the end of Shaun of the Dead when the two main characters share a video game). Zombies as a caring pet? Definitely and interesting twist.

Is that the best twist though?

In Ahhh! Zombies, a group of kids are turned into zombies by eating contaminated ice cream cones. Strange to begin with, but as it progresses; you realize that these kids don't know that they are zombies. The story follows them around (looking perfectly normal) as we see the world from their point of view with occasional black and white glimpses of their true forms. The movie itself is a good time and it is a twist worth sharing.

So what do you think? Which is the best twist on the zombie theme?

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