Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 7: Zombies that Make you laugh

Well, I have what could be considered a sick sense of humor. I find A LOT of things funny that probably shouldn't be; but I am going to go out on a limb and say that all zombie products should make you laugh- at least a little. Whether it is written into a script as a joke or a lude characterization, or it makes you laugh at yourself because you jumped at that crucial moment- part of the point of zombies is the joy we get from them.
    Books like "Pride and prejudice and zombies" and "jane slayer" bring a smile to my face through the witty combination of beloved classic romance with the slaughter of mindless zombies.

    Movies like "Zombieland" and "Shaun of the Dead" bring joy to my life with their ability to laugh at their own absurdities.

    Games like "Stupid Zombies" (a free ap for ipad and droid) let players blow off a little steam while decapitating wayward zombies in level after fun filled level.

So today, forget your fears, and let me know what it is about zombies that makes you laugh!

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